It is always exciting when a Reiki student decides to become a Reiki Master. By deciding to take this step, you have started a process that will result in further enhancement of your skills as an energy worker. The Japanese name for this class is shinpiden. Shinpiden is the Japanese word for ‘mystery teachings’ transmission of the spiritual mystery. It is aimed at Level II practitioners or established ReikiMasters who wish to continue their personal journey, a journey that is ongoing long after you complete the Shinpiden course. It is suitable for those who wish to simply develop their personal Reiki practice and occasionally teach those around them.

Coming Soon

This is a private training retreat only open to 6 students at a time. These trainings are in person trainings. If you prefer an online training course and not a retreat type training It is on "The Learning Portal" that is also offered as an option.

These trainings are for those who would like to experience a retreat and learn from me and practice with others. At the end of the retreat training you will receive your practitioner certifications and special ceremony.


Food will be provided (I will ask if for your dietary restrictions)

Water, coffee, superfood drinks and herbal tea is provided

Locations: Varies throughout California and Arizona

More details to follow

Please enter your name, email, number and which retreat training you would like to take. We will add your name on the waitlist. Please also subscribe to our emails for updates.

  • In Japanese, Shinpiden means the master level of the Usui Reiki Ryoho, following the 1st level (Shoden) and the 2nd level (Okuden). If you see Reiki as a significant part of your life, Shinpiden is an important step on your way of the heart. With Shinpiden you enter the master level of the Usui Reiki method. It’s like climbing a mountain and recognizing a whole new world on the summit. With the initiation into the mystery of the spiritual method, you will learn how things are. This can be extremely helpful for your personal Reiki practice and self-development.

  • Benefits of Shinpiden (Reiki Master Teacher)

    ~ Be confident as a teacher and practitioner

    ~ Begin to help others professionally by teaching as well as treating

    ~ Have access to our own community Mighty networks app, membership portal and connection support worldwide.

    ~ Certification permitting you to teach and initiate other students.

    ~ Possibilities for other opportunities for your business and more services to offer

  • Self-empowerment is attained in Shinpiden through a strong energetic connection to the source of Reiki. It is also the result of the confidence you will feel as a result of your thorough knowledge of Reiki and how it works, what all the variations on Reiki actually are, where Reiki stands in the world today, When one practices the system of Reiki and moves from the first to the second level, three symbols and mantras are taught. At the third level yet another symbol and mantra are taught. Thus, in total, there are four mantras and symbols taught in the system of Reiki. Naturally, as practitioners progress through the system’s three levels new information is taught at each phase. New information is not necessarily secret but it also is not shared until a practitioner has reached an appropriate level of understanding. This is the case with the symbols and mantras.